Monday, March 2, 2009

randomness is me now.I'm still up slckin when im supposed to be doing a compo and revising for my lit.I swear.I'm gonna turn into a night person.Still need to mug for lit.How bloody shitty pathetic is that?Darn life is so bitched up today.Got scolding from teacher.Geog test most probably will fail.Training sucked.Couldn get ANYTHING so disappointed in my spiking.Couldn get my freakin timing right,even throwing the ball for the setter to set was a problem.I was like cursing and swearing silently in my heart at myself.Whats more today,i didn't have my best friend,comfort,strength and my ......... to talk to.It was like hell of a torture.So i decided to steal my sim card when my dad wasn in and was like flooding that poor guys message inbox all at once. As i was showering, the phone rang. Wondering who it was,i decided to give the guy a call.Lol.that was the best damn thing that i could have ever done.He happened to be free at that time and we got to talk for like 5 mins.Not that long,but enough to make me feel tonstonstons better.Thanks to you if you're reading this...Haha i probably didn't tell you about my volleyball supermisfortunes just now hahah.And im so gonna fail my bloody geog test.Bitch it.and my history also.Crap it.I'm practically gonna fail all my test except maybe my science and eng.My fucking higher chinese i got 55.5.Meaning in other shitty words,i got a C5.Hell right?!?!damn it.But i don't expect myself to be getting A1s for my first test.that would turn me from a sane person to an insane one.Which the possibilities of that happening veryvery high if i have to live without that guy for 3-6 months.One week is already living hell.Hurhur.I agree that life is such a bloody bitch sometimes.I'm feeling so fucked up evertime i look at my compo.Shitass idiot.I really need to be more self motivated and disciplined.Though these two words are bastardly pieces of crap,i still need them to get into my dream school.Which is VJC.Duh.That school rocks.Their volleyball is like POWER.After all my high talk.I realise that inside im still having that emptiness in me.It feels like a part of my everyday life is missing without that ......... of mine.But since i cant do anything about my shitty situation, i'll just have to cope with it.Bitch it.But how?It's like i find myself when i am talking to him and with him.It's like...words can't express it...It's like my life that i found you.The only thing that i don't find is a bitch today.Everything was like a bitched up bloody shitass.Every fucking micfortune.My misuse of language is probably brought on by the fact that these few days have been going all wrong for me.And i have to live through it without you.I actually broke down last night.I mean, it's like every bitchy thing that happens to me is a misfortune.A fight.Then a melodramatic showdown.Then me getting grounded.Then failing tests.Then sleeping in class.Then getting scolded by teacher.Then my severe lack of volleyball "sense" which resulted in me frustrating myself and my seniors.How bloody bitchy is that.Okay so im gonna finish up my compo and say goodnight to the world.And hopefully leave everything behind me and tomorrow will be a fresh new day.Hopefully with a little time spent with that wonderful friend of mine.Oh my he is such a dah-ling...Hurhur...Hoping that my fucking shitass bloody problems will juz bitch off by tomorrow as i sign off,do my work and surrender to sleep. I.LOVE.YOU.


Anonymous said...

hie huihui! relaxx. dont emo. take things in life slowly, even if things don't go your way, its fate, dont be too harsh on yourself. SMILE! wluv, angie

Anonymous said...

relax for a while, kays! training will become superduper for you. even if you get low in th tests, we have other tests to buck up too! so dont be too hard on yourself. one day or another, you'll be luckier. :D
show me your beautiful sunshine smileeee!
w/ loads of love,

Anonymous said...

bloody hell u dont think very cool act emo with all the f word.