Wednesday, March 4, 2009

B-Bryan Wong
G-Gu Ting
H-Han Zhi Kwang Danny
I- Dunno lurhs..zzz..
K-Khai wen
L-Lim Ying Sheng Derrick
N-Nicholas Loh
Q-Quek Jin Hao Nicholas
S-Sze Yuen
V- Vivian
W-Wei Jie
X-Xin Ying
2) Can R and S be together in BGR?
(Randall & Sze Yuen)NO!!They were best frens in pri school...Both my good friends..BOTH GUYS..They have their own crushes..won turn gay for sure..hahah

3)How is L related to you?
(Lim Ying Sheng Derrick)Err..the irritating guy who used to sit infront of me..buuut he's fun to disturb cuz of his height..hahas but no hard feelings yeah..

4)Does Y know Z?
(Yulian & Zenly)They probably have not even heard of each others names

5)If C betrays you will you kill him/her?
(Charmaine)No.She won betray me.Even if she does, i will forgive her.She's my super senior!!

6)If K steals your boyfriend, what will you do?
(Khai Wen)She doesn't even know my boyf..lols..but if she does steal then let them be together lorh..everyone has their right to love..if they're happy,i will be too..

7) What if B tells you he/she have a crush on you?
(Bryan Wong)Err tell him that im already taken and im unavailable and to please give up..hurhurhur..

8) Will you and M get into a fight?
(melissa)Err most probably no..we get along pretty well in volleyball..She's darn fun anyway..MEOW POWER!!hahas(volley insider joke)

9) Who does K have a crush on?
(Khai Wen)She says no one but i don believe her...

10) If L calls you a bitch what will you do?
(Lim Ying Sheng Derrick)Urm hellos he has called me that alot of times in my whole p6 life alr...juz scold back or laugh it off with the guys lorh..

11) What's the relationship between you and E?
(Esther)She is my primary school band junior..Haha she's fun..

12) Who does Z like?
(Zenly)I dunno but i think she will say no one..zzzzzzz...i don believe..will have like at least like someone abit wan..

13) Who is I's best friend?
(?)Can't think of anyone whose name starts with I currently..haha im down with the flu..brain cells

14) What colour does Y like?
(Yulian)Dunno..but she's a simple..err girl..17 or 18 yr old still girl??

15) Where does F live?
(Farizan)Opp Angie aka AKJ..They live like super near me..I mean SUPER like can walk or take bus cool horh..heehee..

16) Did you and C had a fight before?
(Charmaine)No she's very nice to me..haha i share secrets with her..

17) Who is H's best friend?
(Han Zhi Kwang Danny)Used to be the group of guys i hang around with Randall,Johann,Sze Yuen..and guys fm other class..hahah but now arh...dunno..

18)What can you say about T?
(Tiffany)HAHA..tis girl likes to make fun of me and keep saying i have but no fair..her bro fm saints..damnit lorh..She's a super cool friend to have whether in or outside church..oh yeah she's a FABULOUS netballer..ex st marg now nanyang girl..So smart..hahah..

19)What if J tells you he/she has a crush on you?
(Jin-An)Confirm he wont cuz he alr like carol(my pri sch bestfriend for 3 years) for 6 years..this year alr 7th year..and he is still as true to her as ever..But if he does like me(which is impossible) then i will tell him that im alr taken and im unavailable and to juz give up..

20) Tag 10 people to do this quiz:
Err im not tagging anyone...feel free to copy..

Blog post: down with the flu..It sucks man..haha but at least my life is improving..i got A1 for my Geog!!...MIRACLE..but still...couldn talk to him...sian like so used to telling him everythin everyday...haha but at least today have volley then caould talk to charmaine..haha but still my spiking timing sucks..okay it's like SUPER late Good night world...

Everytime i see you i run out of words to say..You're perfect..i love you..

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