Saturday, March 7, 2009

How much of your teenage life have you messed up?TAG 5 FRIENDS; REMEMBER TO TAG THE PERSON WHO TAGGED YOU!

[ ] Gotten detention.
[ ] Gotten your phone taken away in class.(got caught but din confis.But using hp in class is addictive to me)
[ ] Gotten suspended.(nearly
[ ] Gotten caught chewing gum.(Din get caught.but i eat in class like almost everyday)
[ ] Gotten caught cheating on a test.(if its like spelling test tt type..obviously but major test then no)

Total : 0 (but get this straight,im not guai kaes.only never kena caught..hahahs:D)

[x] Arrived late to class more than 5 times(last year)
[x] Didn’t do homework over 5 times.(over a long period of time,yes.consecutively,no...)
[ ] Turned at least 3 projects in late(i can swear this year will be more than tt..only havent tried yet)
[ ] Missed school cause you felt like it.(nopes i won pon school cuz i will miss my Angie!!)
[x] Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class(i forgot but juz say yes cuz i got scolding for laughing countless no. of times alr..but kick outta class arh..obviously have..a few times alr last yr)

.Total : 3

[x] Got your mom / dad etc. to get you out of school.(dude,i was sick and vomitting)
[x] Texted people during class. (duh..i got caught cuz i use when im right infront of teacher)
[x] Passed notes.(duh)
[x]Threw stuff across the room.(lol then teacher buay song but cmon i neede to pass my friend smthn larhs)
[x] Laughed at the teacher.(yeahs..we talk alot of cock in class abt teacher then laugh damn loud)

Total : 5

[ ] Pulled down the fire alarm(err thats like..retarded)
[x] Went on myspace , facebook , xanga , etc. on the computer at school.(dunno..forgot but blog i everytime without fail will go wan)
[x] Took pictures during school hours(think th toilet i think..zzz)
[x] Called someone during school hours.(recess mum..)
[ ] Listened to an iPod , CD , etc. during class(but in between classes have..when no teacher then on music loudloud)

Total : 3

[x] Gotten a call from school.(my mum got it cuz my attitude in school was screwed like hell cuz i got into bad company)
[ ] Couldn’t go on a field trip cause you behaved badly.(err i'd be glad to give it a miss if it is some retarded feild trip..but if interesting then i not happy with teacher)
[x] Didn’t take your stuff to school.(duh!then teacher nagnag lorh)
[ ] Gotten a detention and didn't go.(didn get detention school did not have detention unless attitude is like DARN BLOODY bad..i always narrowly escape dtention cans..xD)
[x] Stuck up your middle finger at a teacher when they were not looking.(duh)
[x] Cursed during class loud enough so the teacher could hear.(i dunno if she heard but it was meant for her to hear it..but i curse at teachers all the time)

Total : 4

[ ] Faked your parents signature(dont give a damn to do this type of thing and risk kena nagged down by teacher..not worth it)
[x]slept in class.(duh..already more than twice or thrice alr)
[x] Cursed at a teacher to their face.(risk getting expelled..not worth it..but i got caught cuz tis guy told on me then the fucking teacher force me to repeat what i said so i had to say FUCK infront of that counted..i was forced..nearly go see principal)
[x] Copied homework.(common in pri sian..everydae WTBFH lorh)

Total : 2

All total : 17

Multiply by 3: 51

I screwed up 51% of my teenage life but i don't give a damn.Enjoy while i can.It's like 2.30am and im still seriously turning into a night retard.Im so sick of my bloody projects.Pls larh common tests are over okat.Get a life and bitch off.Stupid homework.Hahahs but nonetheless, i will still remain optimistic.I'll try to be an optimist from now on...If that is even optimistic at everything with the exception of homework.Which can be a bloody bitch at times.But life still goes on with or without those pieces of crap.Hurhur.So i must SMILE :D.So tmr i have church so must chiong home to do homework.sigh my time for girlfriends is cut short again.But good news!tomorrow i may be able to get back my phone!!Woots.Which means the poor guy will have to entertain all my shit talks and all the bitchings that occurred in the time i couldn talk to him.Today i was like so bloody pissed lurh.I wanted so badly to sms him but no phone to sms couldn steal sim card as was with dad.Then i couldn call cuz he not free.So i rang up my two of my three bestfriends.Angie and Amirah,I called Angie to complain and say "die larhdielarh" hahahs..ask her what i told her.And i called Ami to do the same thing.Then i had this idea which made her practically become my saviour She helped me sms that guy.Tee hee.Thanks to my brilliant idea.But still...zzzz...i think i missed his reply.Wth.These few days my blog has been far too alive.Hahahs need to cut down.But the temptation of blogging once im at the computer is too strong.I just got hooked recently.My blog is like alive..then dead..than alive then dead again..i think it will remain like that unless my EEYORE(Angie) ask me to post.I will post cuz i love her.She's my lesbo partner and Baklah's brother..How cool is that...Angie!!must comment alot horh..i will try insert cbox kays?then you girlgirl can flood my tagbox.And if im huihui then you are lingling...LOL..sounds so foreign to the ears.Lol i think one way to improve in lit is to learn how to be more melodramatic.More than i already am.Hahahahs.So i just realised what a pathetic amount of work i have done and what a great deal of blogging i have done.Wow i seriously need to buck up.Tmr will post after i finish all my work.My dad better not take the darned computer.If not i will be cursing under my breath.Like today which was screwed up.except for the ending cuz i got to meet the mother at white sands.Hurhur.So now its exactly 2.30am and i'd better get some sleep.So goodnight everything.Hola dreams.They'd better be sweet.But i've been thinking a hell load about the boy since just now.And now,im literally obsessed.Damn.I'd better sleep soon before i become overwhelmed.At least dreaming is better than forcing youself to do work while your brain is crammed up with thoughts of a wonderful guy whom you are obsessed with.So to my good friends im just joking around with all my guy crazy crap kaes?i already have someone..all i say is just passing remark.But you should know who this guy is..only if you are Angie Lau Guan Ling or Nur Amirah or Nur Farizan..but farizan i dunno if she knows..hahahs..they are the first peoples i go to when im in trouble or happy or sad..not forgetting that guy too:D..share weal and woe..loe and behold!i have finally settled down into a group of friends.Amazing huh?hahah but its not a big feat.Still i have to thank God for giving me sucj good friends.And i have to thank my frined namely Angie Ami Farizan Sharifah Farah for being such a fabulous group of friends to me.Especially angie farizan and ami for the bus rides home together and not to forget that guy for being my bestfriend my comfort my listening ear my anger venting place(LOL?) my confidante and other more complicated things to me..i cant name them out here but if you are keen to know then ask me.(only applies to him i wont answer if anyone else asks)I LOVE YOU GUYS FOREVER:D:D:DKeep smiling babes & hunks:D:D..(i will end with an emo paragraph)

I signed off at 2.53am..latest ever..but im still plagued incessantly with the sweet memories of you.Damn.Im obssesed.What did you that im so darn captured by you.Maybe it's just the fact that love cannot be is so fucking illogical.I cant stop thinking of you now.I need you.You are my dope...Save me.I'm hooked on you.I love you.

"Romeo save me i've been feeling so alone."


Anonymous said...

haha hello:D i saw your blog link from chiyan's blog:D link me kays:D

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hello! niceeeee! i'm gonna rip this quiz. lol jolynn, stop splitting corks. not womanly(:

Anonymous said...

haha put tagboard nicer:D

Anonymous said...

lovely, i just added a lot of another emo backgrounds on my blog