Thursday, March 26, 2009

Do you really want this?Is this the outcome you wanted?If so,very well.I cant seem to sleep and im practically killing myself by overworking myself.Getting sent to detention at the RC.These questions keep bitching at me.So much till i cant sleep.Help me.You're killing me.Its already 1.30 and im really....Its so sudden.too sudden.Must this really end here.My heart cant seem to let go though my mind tells it to do so.I cant let go.Face it.Live with it.I love you too much.Please.just contact me one last things are really begginning to bitch at me all day.My moods making me become a bitch.hell.NO.i have to stop.but how?bitch the things that got me so fucked up.bitch them.Im really tired eyes hurt from all the tears.pi thought that maybe i would have no more tears left.but the pain keeps coming back.tears seem never really bitched up with eveything going on around me.i really am just so so so broken.Must you torture me like that?Why.My mind is in a whirl.i cant seem to think straight.there's this empty pit in my stomach that i cant seem to get out.its painful.It will take me a long time to heal.But for now i still wont give up.I dont think its worth it.Till circumstances force me to.Which i can guarantee will not be soon.Love is blind.You can say im can say im a can say anything but its a fact that im in great pain now and i cant forget you somehow.Please.come back to me.i need you.


Anonymous said...

aiyoh. ppl blog to express feelings marh. if can happy then can sad right. and bitch is just a WORD. like to use then use larh. very act cool meh? and feelings is individual, you don't need to comment. btw. why must comment anonymously? no name arhs?

Anonymous said...

anyways. AHHUI DON'T EMOOOO! smile like cheekopek.

Anonymous said...

then you ler... censored your stuff very precious arh...