Friday, September 5, 2008

im leaving,then i can come back again...

my X.O durian mooncake..

"boyboy"jun wei a.k.a monkey playing his horn..

on 4th sep after supp @ home..

camwhoring in front of my mirror..mirror mirror
on the wall...

acting cute!!

i believe i can fly....

this made me feel lk trash..i didn upload
photo of my dustbinnn...

"boyboy" making funny faces..vryvry funny,boy..

sigh..being his usual cute self...crazy monkey..

my snow skin green tea n pu'er tea(i think) mooncake..

okay update on my life...starting from
2 sep:
I think life was too boring.Cant remember a thing.God,am i catching up with my ancestors memory??I think so.LOL.
3 sep:
Became a slacker.Did little hmwk.okay,that was lk super boring..but i think i had a massive brain problem.Help!I think i got it from're so gonna get it danny.What a joke.No way man.At night,mum didn allow me to eat chips.So i spent my night creeping around and stealing wasabi chips.Kinda weird huh?But trust me.Its super yummy..
to __:ps:didnt chat with you cuz you were nt free.Suffered a day worse than shit.Life's really boring without talking to you.)
4 sep:
Went for supp today.Got scolded as usual.Today was really really boring.Carol wasn't at sch neither was kim.They had no supp.As if the amount of hmwk is not enough already.Teacher gave us even more hmwk.On top pf my UNFINISHED work still got somemore now.I'm feeling murderous.After sch i went for band.Super fun.Got hom nothing better to do so i camwhored by myself.Bitch??.Whatever you say.I was lk sian like hell so i went out and ate my mooncake.Mum bought some mooncake durian and etcetc.see the labels on top.Quite nice.My mum tasted and was like hey,this is really nice.Whgen i ate the mooncakes second piece,i took one durian one and my mum was like dun eat too much.So much for a delicious mooncake.
(to __ps:Today you were not free again.My day was even worse than yesterday.I suffered.No on to talk to.My bez fren not there and you were not free.Dun worry,i understand.So sorry i exploded at you.I'm really sorry.I didn't mean it.)
5 sep:
Went for supp again.Got scolded again.Teacher was talking all a load of crappy fuck.Visited band again.Played with "boyboy" again.I love my juniors."boyboy" is my favourite!!I videoed him playing horn.I'll post it some other time.Mum asked me to buy food.So i bought it UNWILLINGLY.On the way home i saw a black sleeping soundly.It was really beautiful but i didn take pic cuz i dun wanna be extra.On the way i saw another bag blask cat licking it uh..ass hole..It looked like it was doing yoga.Haha.I didn wanna be extra again so i didn camwhor.Along the way,guesswat.I saw a funeral.Funeral,black cat??Creepy man.Okay the rest of the day was more or less the same old boring wan.
Post maybe in 1 or 2 days time.Mum chasing.
(to__:im looking forward to chatting with you again soon.Life was like hell without you the comforting talks we have had.Baby,sorry again for saying what i said that day.Dun take it to heart.I hope you understand.Sorry.I heart you..)

Monday, September 1, 2008

to you....

Some weird photo of gullet in digestive
system from science not a

Another pic of jing yi,ama and me..except jing's
face cut

patrotic person..

Me,being the crazy girl i always am...with my
totally messy bedroom as my background..

okay...this one is the most weird..i was slogging
my guts out doing hmwk..was extremely tired..

To the person whom this is dedicated to......
Baby,i love you.You rock my world.After waiting for you for quite awhile,after missing you 24/7,you are finally mine.Thank you for being my comforter n thanks for letting me find a friend in you.Just to let you know,u brighten up my day.Through our busy schedules,thank you for making time to chat with me.I will treasure every conversation we have.Recently,i have been reading your smses and practically should know why(:Sorry that at times i sound fierce><...You mean alot to me.I don't know what will happen to me without you.No amount of words can describe how i feel.Just wanna tell you that i heart you.I love you.

(ps:i know i look kinda tood in the photos...comments only open to the person this entry is meant for.To_:sorry,i was lazy to upload photos.But i promise that will upload soon.Today dunno what happen to my com cant read my hp.anyways hope you enjoy reading this.Pls sms me once you read.I heart you:)... )

Me,ama n jing yiiii!!!


Ama and i are weird peoples..
Went to science centre on fri.So WTF!!We had to go to science on teachers day 4 some learning journey?!?!?!if they are trying to make us pupils suffer they are definately succeding.Camwhored on de bus with ama and jing yi.they are my superrr crazy n funnnnnn galfriends.okayes,we were lk eating junk food n listenind to music on de bus.Then ama was lk,wa loa eh i nv bring my earplug!!I totally cracked up.asked lim min to send me sum chinese songs(ps:nt that i am that cheena..).Ok the time at the science centre was totally boring.God!i could have spazzed out.On de way back de trip was like the going journey except ama and i took jing yi's phone n started flipping through her photos.Found out that she gt lk tons of her own photo pics.we snorted through ama's extremely crushed up chips.
ok..i 4 got what happened 4 de past few days.Too boring probably..

On my way back after a gruelling day of supp on teachers day,i saw de long abandoned baby cot.nthn out of de ordinary.But juz peered into it anyway.Guess what i saw?Ths super cute cat!!ok mum chasing already!!bye!!
juz me acting crazily sickly cute.i know i suck!!BYE!!finally my blog is alive again!!